Honorary Members of the SMS

"Crescat Ars Mathematica - Vita Excolatur"

Honorary members charter

Carl Friedrich Geiser (1911/12)
Hermann Kinkelin (1911/12)
Heinrich Weber (1911/12)
David Hilbert (1921)
Ferdinand Rudio (1926)
Hermann Weyl (1930)
Dimitri Mirimanoff (1931)
Rudolf Fueter (1935)
Henri G. Fehr (1935)

Marcel Grossmann (1935)
Constantin Carathéodory (1943)
Gustave Dumas (1944)
Michel Plancherel (1954)
Andreas Speiser (1954)
Emile Marchand (1954)
Heinz Hopf (1957)
Walter Saxer (1957)
George Pólya (1957)
Louis Kollros (1958)
Jean Leray (1960)
Hassler Whitney (1960)
Georges de Rham (1960)
Rolf Nevanlinna (1963)
Bartel L. van der Waerden (1973)
Beno Eckmann (1977)
Albert Pfluger (1978)
Alexander Ostrowski (1978)
Johann Jakob Burckhardt (1981)
Christian Blatter (1994)
Henri Carnal (1994)
André Haefliger (1997)
Michel Kervaire (1997)
Jürgen Moser (1997)
Ernst Specker (2005)
Srishti D. Chatterji (2005)
Hanspeter Kraft (2016)
Gerhard Wanner (2019)
Jürg Fröhlich (2023)

According to a decision of the General Assembly of the SMS of September 22, 2006:

The Steering Committee accepts nominations for honorary members which are made by at least three members of the Society. The committee, together with the two former Past Presidents of the society, then evaluates the suggestion. If this group agrees unanimously, the suggested person is declared Honorary Member of the Swiss Mathematical Society and disclosed upon the next General Assembly.