Bylaws of the SMS
According to the resolution of the constitutive meeting of the
Swiss Mathematical Society on September 4, 1910 in Basel1, together with the
amendments, adopted August 30, 1929 in Davos, August 31, 1947 in
Geneva, and October 1, 1966 in Solothurn2:
- The Swiss Mathematical Society aims to advance and spread the
mathematical sciences and their applications.
- The Swiss Mathematical Society is a permanent section of the
Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft (today Swiss Academy of
Sciences). The Society holds its General Assembly during the annual meeting
of the Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft3. Extraordinary
assemblies can be called by the Steering
- Who wants to become a
member of the Society, has to be recommended by two members and
accepted by the Steering Committee.
The Society also affiliates legal bodies, institutes, libraries
- Members pay an annual fee,
which is determined by the General
Assembly. A one-time payment of twenty annual fees exempts a
natural person from this obligation. Members, who have payed annual
fees during at least 25 years and are retired are no longer liable to
- The Society elects the Steering
Committee during a General Assembly
for a period of office of two years in a secret ballot by absolute
- The Steering Committee consists
of a President, a Vice President and a Secretary, who is at the same time the
treasurer of the Society. The retiring president is not reeligible
- The Steering Committee deals with
all questions which concern the Society. It prepares the agenda for
the General Assembly and arranges the
publication of the proceedings.
Remark: The German and the French versions of the bylaws are available in the Archive of the SMS.