Annual Rate

The annual membership fees are (see also the Bylaws of the SMS):

Member type Annual fee
Individual person 50 CHF or 54 EUR
Institution 100 CHF or 108 EUR
Bachelor, Master or PhD students 10 CHF
Reciprocity members living abroad Half of ordinary fee

A single payment of 20 times an annual fee leads to lifelong membership (no further annual fees to pay).

Honorary members, and retired members with an affiliation of at least 25 years are exempt from dues.

Payments are made by a credit slip sent to you every year.

Please note that you can pay your annual EMS membership fee and/or the subsription to Elemente der Mathematik with the same credit slip. To do so, just tick off the corresponding items on the credit slip and add

  • CHF 38/EUR 40 for EMS
  • CHF 34/EUR 36 for Elemente

to your annual fee.