
News, and Preview of significant forthcoming events
Geneva Workshop on multiscale methods for stochastic dynamics

University of Geneva
January 31 & February 1, 2017
DMV-SMG Call for Proposals
DMV-SMG Workshop 2018

Interested organizers are invited to send their application before May 15, 2017
Fribourg Journées de Géométrie Hyperbolique

University of Fribourg
March 23-24, 2017
Annual Meeting SMS Annual Meeting 2017

and General Assembly

University of Basel
May 5, 2017
Annual Meeting SMS Public Lecture 2017

Ivan Cheltsov
(University of Edinburgh)

Rational and non-rational varieties

University of Basel
May 5, 2017
Nevanlinna 23rd Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium

ETH Zürich
June 12-16, 2017
Diablerets Geometric spectral theory

SMS Summer conference and CUSO minicourse

June 19-23, 2017
Basel Worskhop on Irregular Transport: Analysis and Applications

University of Basel
June 26-30, 2017
Borel Seminar Borel Seminar 2017
Summer School
Growth in Geometry and Topology

Les Diablerets
August 21-25, 2017
Stepping Stone Symposium Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of PDEs

University of Geneva
August 29-31, 2017
ZHAW 2nd European COST Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Industry and Finance

ZHAW Winterthur
September 7, 2017
Hilbert Axiomatic Thinking:
100 years since Hilbert's address in Zurich

University of Zürich
September 14-15, 2017
Shrishti D. Chatterji Shrishti D. Chatterji passed away on September 28. He was past president and honorary member of the SMS. We have lost a wonderful mathematician, colleague, teacher and friend.
Heinz Hopf Heinz Hopf Lectures and Prize 2017

Richard Schoen (Irvine)

October 30-31, 2017
ETH Zürich
BEZ Book launch
Eulers Briefwechsel mit Korrespondenten in der Romandie und in England

BEZ Basel
November 17, 2017
Richard Dedekind Dedekind Lectures

Leo Corry (Tel-Aviv)

ETH Zürich
November 23, 2017
Young Geometric Group Theory Meeting 2013 Young Geometric Group Theory Meeting 2018
Please register before November 30

Les Diablerets
March 12-16, 2018
Johann Heinrich Storrer Hans Heiner Storrer passed away on December 26. We have lost a wonderful mathematician, colleague, teacher and friend.
Opera Omina Book recommendation

Leonhard Euler
Opera Omina

Commercium epistolicum
Vol. 4A / 7
E-Periodica E-Periodica

The new platform for digitized Swiss journals hosting the Swiss Digital Mathematics Library
CIMPA 2018 CIMPA Research Schools call for projects
Adolf Hurwitz Now online:

The mathematical diaries of Adolf Hurwitz

E-Books E-lending

Scientific e-books

Tadashi Tokieda Now online:

SMS Public lecture 2011 Tadashi Tokieda

Science from a sheet of paper
Colin Wright Now online:

SMS Public lecture 2014 Colin Wright

5 Balls, 2 Hands: Patterns of Juggling

Jonglieren und Mathematik: Eine verblüffende Verbindung!

Leonhard Euler Now online:

Euler video in English, French and German

Did you know?

Each Swiss university is active in one or more Graduate Programs in Mathematics:

The Swiss Mathematical Society is a Member of

See the complete list of affiliations.