Norbert Hungerbühler
Editorial work
Academic administration
Swiss Academic of Sciences
Swiss Mathematical Society
Stiftung zur Förderung der Mathematischen Wissenschaften
Editorial work
Since 2000: Member of the editorial board of
Elemente der Mathematik
Since 2012: Managing Editor of
Elemente der Mathematik
Managing Editor of
Collata Opera Mathematica Friburgensia
Since 2017: Member of the editorial board of
Mathematische Semesterberichte
Since 2024: Member of the editorial board of
Brückenschläge in die moderne Mathematik
Academic administration
D-MATH: Ausstellung Maturaarbeiten
D-MATH: Prestudy events
D-MATH: Studienwochen
D-MATH: Studieninformationstage
D-MATH: ETH unterwegs
D-MATH: Ausbildung von Hilfsassistierenden und Assistierenden
D-MATH: Polymesse
Hiring committees, several commissions and work groups
D-MATH: Arbeitsgruppe Math Study Center/Math Skills Lab
D-MATH: Organisation of the HSGYM Hochschultag
D-MAVT: Working group self evaluation
D-MATH: stellvertretender Studiendirektor, Mitglied UK Mathematik
Swiss Academy of Sciences
2004-2007: Member of the
and the
Platform MAP (Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics)
as delegate of the Swiss Mathematical Society.
2007: President of the Jury of the
Prix Schläfli
2007: President of the Jury of the
Prix Jeunes Chercheurs
2021: Member of the Jury of the
Prix Schläfli
Since 2010: Executive committee of the
Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics
Since 2007: Member of the committee
of the SCNAT
Since 2010: Vice president of the committee
of the SCNAT
2010-2014: Member of the Steering Committee MINT Nachwuchsbarometer
Since 2013: Member of the Steering Committee MINT SCNAT/SATW/SBFI
Since 2013: Leitungsteam Mandat MINT
Swiss Mathematical Society
Since 2005: Founding Librarian of the Swiss Digital Mathematics Library
Since 2006:
Since 2006: Member of the Advisory Board
Since 2007:
Responsible for the Web Portal for Mathematics at Schools
2008-2010: Member of the Board of Trustees
Since 2009: Representative of Switzerland in the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction ICMI
2010: Member of the Jury for the SMS Centennial Prize
Since 2012: Member of the Jury Matura Awards
Stiftung zur Förderung der Mathematischen Wissenschaften in der Schweiz
2006-07: Member of the board as representative of the Swiss Mathematical Society
Since 2008: Permanent member of the board
Since 2011: Vice president of the board
CUSO Conférence Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale
2000-2010: Member of the Committee of the
Troisième Cycle Romand de Mathématiques
2008-2010: President of the
Troisième Cycle Romand de Mathématiques
2006-2010: Founding Director of the
Swiss Doctoral Program in Mathematics
2008-2010: Comité de pilotage Soft Skills (programme transversal de développement de compétences génériques destinées aux doctorant-e-s)
Vereinigung der Schweizerischen Hochschuldozierenden
Since 2008: Member of the Kommission Gymnasium-Universität
Since 2009: Co-president of the Kommission Gymnasium-Universität
Since 2012: Member of the mathematics group of HSGYM
Since 2012: Member of the Executive Committee EDK TP 3
Since 2012: Member of the Begleitgruppe EDK TP 1
Since 2012: SMAK Table Ronde
Since 2002: Host for BNF projects
Since 2010: Member of the Schweizerische Maturitätskommission
Since 2014: Member of the Board of the Schweizerische Maturitätskommission
Since Spring 2014: Prüfungspräsident Schweizerische Maturitätsprüfung
2010-2012: Member of the Institutskonferenz
Since 2011: Member of the Advisory Board of the
Gesellschaft für Bildung und Wissen
2011-2014: Member of the Advisory Board of the Paul Bernays Lectures
Since 2012: Member of the Advisory Board of
Since 2012: Member of the commission académique of the SMA (EPFL)
Since 2010: Referee for the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
Since 2012: Member Begleitgruppe Masterstudiengang Fachdidaktik Mathematik PH Zürich
Since 2009: Member of the Präsidentinnen- und Präsidentenkonferenz, Verein Schweizerischer Gymnasiallehrerinnen und Gymnasiallehrer
Since 2015: Founding member of the Turing Centre Zurich
Since 2016: Member of the Advisory Board Bernoulli-Euler-Society
Since 2018: Auditor Känguru Schweiz
Since 2018: Scientific Committee FernUni Schweiz
Since 2019: Kuratorium Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Instrumente und Lehrmittel, ETH-Bibbliothek