Thursday 7 December - UniMail Room R150
11h15-12h15 Philipp Habegger (Basel)
  Upper and lower bounds for heights
13h30-14h30 Christian Wyss (Bern)
  An operator Riccati equation
15h00-16h00 Luc Guyot (Geneva)
  Limits of finite groups
Dinner at "Il Salento"
Friday 8 December - UniMail Room R160
9h30-10h30 Kolawolé Atchadé (Neuchatel)
  Introduction to the stochastic replicator dynamics
11h00-12h00 Philip Heuser (Basel)
  Homogenization of multidimentional structures
13h30-14h30 Stefan Borell (Bern)
  Embeddings into Complex Euclidean Spaces
15h00-16h00 Nicolas Bartholdi (Geneva)
  The diophantine dimension of the p-adic fields
Award session