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Colloque Numérique Suisse / Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium

April 25, 2008

Université de Fribourg, Campus Pérolles



Presentations online



Poster template

Practical information

Historical overview


Practical information

Access from Fribourg CFF/SBB train station

In front of the train station (Fribourg CFF/SBB) take the bus/trolleybus no. 1 (direction Marly), 3 (direction Perolles), or 7 (direction Cliniques) till the stop "Perolles-Charmettes" (blue line on the map below). At the vending machine for bus tickets, choose "destination zone no. 10" and "1-6 stops/arrêts" (2.30 Fr. single fare, 1.30 Fr. reduced single fare).

You can also walk from the train station to the conference site. It takes approximatively 15-20 minutes: from the train station, go along the "Boulevard de Perolles" on your right, till the first round-about (see photos below).

The conference takes place at the first floor (room G120 and G140) of the white concrete/glass building "Bd. de Perolles 90", on the left side of the street. You cannot miss the building - look for the red "robotic" arms in front of it. Click on the map below to enable zoom and satelite-view.

map colloquium

Parking at the Campus Perolles

Parking at the Campus Perolles is rather difficult, there are almost no zones where you are allowed to park for more than 4 hours. One of the rare zones where you can (eventhough it is still paid) is marked by "P" in the map above. Continue to the south on the Boulevard de Perolles until the "Tamoil" petrol-station, then turn left at the roundabout. The parking is situated behind the Ecole d'Ingenieurs et Architectes.

Photos of the site

Perolles 1 Perolles 2 Perolles 3 Perolles 4 Perolles 5 Perolles 6

Colloquium organization

The Colloquium takes place in rooms G120 and G140, at the first floor of the building Bd. de Perolles 90. It will start approximately at 9h15 and continue until 18h. We plan to have two invited talks in the morning, plus three one-hour poster-sessions/coffee-breaks and two one-hour oral-sessions during the day. For the oral sessions, we have reserved two rooms, so that we could make two parallel sessions. This gives us the opportunity to stage up to 12 twenty-minute contributed oral presentations (15+5min), cf. the preliminary schedule. The Colloquium is intended to be an informal get-together, much like in the past years, see the photos from 2007 and 2006.

Colloquium fees

There are no colloquium fees: the colloquium is free of charge.