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Colloque Numérique Suisse / Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium

April 25, 2008

Université de Fribourg, Campus Pérolles

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Participants and proposed presentations

Participants Institute Poster/presentation title
Dr. Stefan Adam Paul Scherrer Institute
Mr. Gaurav Anand ETHZ, Institute of Fluid Dynamics Stochastic Modeling of Evaporating turbulent Sprays
Prof. Peter Arbenz ETHZ, Institute of Computational Science
Dr. Richard Baltensperger Ecole d'Ingénieurs et d'Architectes de Fribourg
Dr. Lehel Banjai Universität Zürich, Institut für Mathematik A boundary integral method for time dependent problems
Mr. Bertrand Bellenot CERN ROOT: a Data Storage and Analysis Framework
Prof. Jean-Paul Berrut Université de Fribourg, Département de mathématiques
Prof. Olivier Besson Université de Neuchâtel, Institut de mathématiques
Mr. Marcel Bieri ETHZ, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik
Prof. Jean-Marc Blanc Ecole d'Ingénieurs et d'Architectes de Fribourg
Mr. Lorenz Blum Universität Bern, Dept. für Chemie und Biochemie
Prof. Christian G. Bochet University of Fribourg, Department of Chemistry
Dr. Giuseppe Bonfigli ETHZ, Institut für Fluiddynamik Numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with the immersed-boundary technique
Mr. Miroslav Cada ETHZ, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik Compact Third Order Limiter Functions for Non-Linear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Mr. Simone Callegari University of Zurich, Institute for Theoretical Physics Simulating cosmological galaxy formation with N-body/SPH
Dr. Philippe Chatelain ETHZ, Computational Science and Engineering Laboratory The R-leaping algorithm for the stochastic simulation of chemical kinetics with delays
Prof. Michel Chipot Universität Zürich, Institut für Mathematik Problems in cylinders: when and what to compute in lower dimensions?
Mr. Matthias Christen Universität Basel, Department of Computer Science Large-Scale PDE-constrained Optimization in Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment Planning
Dr. Robert Cimrman University of Pilsen (Czech Republic), Department of Mechanics SfePy - a finite element analysis software in Python
Prof. David Cohen Universität Basel, Departement Mathematik
Mr. Jonathan Coles Universität Zürich, Institut für Theoretische Physik Simple Simplex Sampling: Exploring the Solution Space of Degenerate Problems in High Dimensions
Mr. Paolo Corti ETHZ, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik
Mr. Yves Courvoisier Université de Genève, Section de mathématiques Error estimates for optimized domain decomposition methods applied to the one-dimensional heat equation
Prof. Claude Daul Université de Fribourg, Computational Chemistry
Dr. Simone Deparis EPFL, Chaire de Modélisation et Calcul Scientifique
Prof. Rolf Dornberger University AS Northwestern Switzerland, Institute for Information Systems
Mr. Nicolas Dorsaz EPFL, IRRMA Numerical investigation of eye lens proteins stability: a colloidal approach
Mr. Stefan Eilemann Eyescale Software Sarl Equalizer: Parallel OpenGL Application Framework
Dr. Jean-Francois Emmenegger Université de Fribourg, Département d'économie quantitative Adaptive time series filters obtained by minimisation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence criterion
Dr. Jan Engmann Nestlé Research Center
Mr. Aniello Esposito ETHZ, Integrated Systems Laboratory Limitations of the Effective Mass Approximation: A Specific Example
Dr. Martha Evonuk ETH Zürich, Institut für Geophysik Fully convective giant planets: fluid dynamics through a density-stratification
Dr. Nicolas Fiétier EPFL, Laboratoire d'ingenierie numerique
Dr. Michel Flück EPFL, Chaire d'analyse et simulation numérique
Mr. Thomas Fournier Université de Fribourg, Département de mathématiques
Mr. Georgios Fradelos University of Geneva, Department of Physical Chemistry
Dr. Christos Frouzakis ETHZ, Aerothermochemistry and Combustion Systems Laboratory (LAV) Direct numerical simulation of autoignition in a non-premixed turbulent co-flowing jet
Prof. Jean-Pierre Gabriel Université de Fribourg, Département de mathématiques
Prof. Martin Gander Universite de Geneve, Section de Mathematiques
Prof. Walter Gander ETHZ, Institute for Computational Science
Dr. Eric Germaneau EPFL, Laboratoire de Cristallographie Atomistic simulation of the disordered and incommensurate phase of p-azoxydiphenetol
Dr. Patrick Ghanaat Université de Fribourg, Département de mathématiques
Mr. Claude Gittelson ETHZ, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik Plane wave discontinuous Galerkin methods
Mr. Pedro Gonnet ETHZ, Institute of Computational Science
Dr. Peter Grass Novartis Pharma AG
Prof. Marcus Grote Universität Basel, Departement Mathematik
Prof. Wolfgang Hackbusch Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig The technique of hierarchical matrices
Prof. Ernst Hairer Université de Genève, Section de mathématiques
Mr. Wissam Hassan EPFL, Chaire d'analyse et simulation numériques Anisotropic finite element adaptation for compressible flows around aircraft
Mr. Holger Heumann ETHZ, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik Discrete Lie derivatives and generalized convection diffusion
Prof. Ralf Hiptmair ETHZ, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik
Mr. Thomas Hofer EPFL, Chaire d'Analyse et Simulation Numérique Simulation of the dissolution of alumina particles in an electrolyte
Prof. Norbert Hungerbuehler Université de Fribourg, Département de mathématiques
Dr. Patrick Hunziker University Hospital of Basel, Physics In Medicine Group
Dr. Ales Janka Université de Fribourg, Département de mathématiques Optimal design of electromagnets for homogeneous high-intensity magnetic fields
Dr. Koen Janssens Paul Scherrer Institute
Prof. Rolf Jeltsch ETHZ, Seminar for Applied Mathematics
Mr. Guillaume Jouvet EPFL, Chaire d'analyse et simulation numérique Numerical simulation of the dynamics of a glacier using a "volume-of-fluid" formulation
Mr. Jakub Kaminski Universite de Geneve, Departement de Chimie Physique
Mr. Yalin Kaptan Bogazici University (Turkey), Mechanical Engineering Parametric analysis of rotating surface flow
Mr. Hakki Habip Karaman Bogazici University (Turkey), Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics
Mr. Peter Kauf ETHZ, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik
Mr. Stefan Kerkemeier ETHZ, Aerothermochemistry and Combustion Systems Laboratory (LAV) Direct numerical simulation of autoignition in a non-premixed turbulent co-flowing jet
Mr. Evangelos Kotsalis ETHZ, Institute of Computational Science Coupling atomistic and continuum descriptions using dynamic control
Prof. Daniel Kressner ETHZ, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik
Mr. Felix Kwok Université de Genève, Section de mathématiques Ordering-based approaches for improving solver efficiency in reservoir simulation
Ms. Chantal Landry EPFL, Chaire d'analyse et simulation numérique Optimization-Constrained Differential Equations with discontinuities: Application to Air Quality Modeling
Mr. Gilbert R. Lauber ALLINEA Software
Dr. André Leier ETHZ, Computational Science and Engineering Laboratory Accelerated stochastic simulation of chemical kinetics with delays:B-tau-DSSA
Prof. Sebastian Leopold Department für Maschinentechnik HTA-FR
Mr. Célestin Leupi Arts-engineering Sàrl
Mr. Kuan Li ETHZ, Institut für Geophysik Investigation of a fast algorithm for spherical transforms
Mr. Maxim Makhinya Universität Zürich, Visualization and MultiMedia Lab. Equalizer: Parallel OpenGL Application Framework
Dr. Valeri Markushin Paul Scherrer Institute
Mr. Philippe Marti ETHZ, Institut für Geophysik Maxwell stresses on the inner core
Dr. Michael Mattes EPFL, Laboratoire d'Electromagnétisme et d'Acoustique (LEMA)
Prof. Christian Mazza Université de Fribourg, Département de mathématiques
Dr. Teodora Mitkova Universität Basel, Departement Mathematik Explicit energy conserving local time stepping for acoustic and electromagnetic wave propagation
Ing. Oleksii Morozov University Hospital of Basel, Physics In Medicine Group Tensor Framework for Multidimensional Signal Processing
Ing. Felix Muggli Sulzer Markets and Technology Ltd. Simulation of the plasma arc in a thermal spray gun
Prof. Olivier Naef Université de Fribourg, Computational Chemistry Concentration Profiles Determination for Chemical Reactions using Multivariate Curve Resolution-Alternating Least Square (MCR-ALS) and Hard-Modeling
Dr. Chidambaram Narayanan ASCOMP GmbH Complex multiphase flow simulation using the immersed surfaces and local mesh refinement methods.
Dr. Herbert Niessner Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz Brugg-Windisch
Dr. Markus Nordlund Philip Morris International - Research and Development
Dr. Dominik Obrist ETHZ, Institute of Fluid Dynamics Simulation of the flow in the inner ear with the method of fundamental solutions
Dr. Viviana Palumberi University Basel, Departement of Mathematics Spatio-angular model for the formation of oriented patches in chondrocytes cultures
Mr. Jérôme Pasquier Université de Fribourg, Département de mathématiques
Dr. Daniel Peterseim Universität Zürich, Institut für Mathematik
Prof. Daniel Pfenniger University of Geneva, Geneva Observatory
Dr. Marco Picasso EPFL, Institut d'analyse et calcul scientifique
Mr. Virabouth Prachittham EPFL, Chaire d'analyse et simulation numérique An anisotropic error estimator for the Crank-Nicolson method: application to parabolic problems
Mr. Martin Rentschler EPFL, Environmental Hydraulics Laboratory Simulating viscoplastic flows
Dr. Vittoria Rezzonico EPFL, Sciences de Base - IT
Ing. Diego Rossinelli ETHZ, Institute of Computational Science Vortex Methods for Flow Simulations on the GPU
Dr. Jon Rotvig ETHZ, Institut für Geophysik Multiple zonal jets and drifting in rotating thermal convection
Mr. Madan Sathe Universität Basel, Department of Computer Science Mixed integer optimization in automobile sheet metal forming processes
Prof. Stefan Sauter Universität Zürich, Institut für Mathematik
Dr. Olaf Schenk University of Basel, Computer Science Department
Mr. Kersten Schmidt ETHZ, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik Asymptotic expansion of highly conductive thin sheets
Prof. Christoph Schwab ETHZ, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik
Mr. Philipp Schütz University of Zurich, Department of Biochemistry Network Partitioning by Efficient Modularity Optimisation with Multi-Step Greedy Algorithm and Vertex Mover Refinement
Mr. Florian Senn Université de Fribourg, Computational Chemistry Numerical Solution of the Atomic Kohn-Sham Equation - XATOM
Mr. Imbo Sim Universität Basel, Departement Mathematik Local Nonreflecting Boundary Condition for Time-Dependent Multiple Scattering
Mr. Eden Sorolla EPFL, Laboratoire d'Electromagnétisme et d'Acoustique
Mr. Benjamin Stamm EPFL, Chaire de Modélisation et Calcul Scientifique hp-Optimal discontinuous Galerkin methods for linear elliptic problems
Mr. Gilles Steiner EPFL, Chaire d'analyse et simulation numérique Numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamics phenomena applied to the electrolysis of aluminum
Mr. Christian Stohrer Universität Basel
Dr. Steffen Stolz Philip Morris International - Research and Development
Dr. Denis Talay INRIA Sophia Antipolis (France) New challenges for stochastic simulations: theoretical and numerical issues
Mr. Manuel Torrilhon ETHZ, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik Extended Continuum Modeling for Micro-Gas Flow
Prof. Christiane Tretter Universität Bern, Mathematisches Institut
Dr. Christophe Trophime CNRS, Grenoble High Magnetic Field Facility
Mr. Manav Tyagi ETHZ, Institute of Fluid Dynamics A Stochastic-Lagrangian Modeling Framework for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
Prof. Heinz Ungricht ZHAW School of Engineering
Prof. Jiri Vanicek EPFL, Laboratory of theoretical physical chemistry Efficient approaches to quantum dynamics based on semiclassical dynamics and the imaginary-time path integral
Mr. Gilles Vilmart Université de Genève and INRIA Rennes High-order numerical integrators based on modified differential equations
Prof. Joerg Waldvogel ETHZ, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik
Ms. Gisela Widmer ETHZ, Seminar für Angewandte Mathematik Efficient Algorithms for Radiative Transfer
Dr. Christian Wüst Universität Zürich, Institut für Mathematik A homogeneous fluid approach to model yellow dung fly sperm flow
Mr. Matija Zlatar Université de Fribourg, Computational Chemistry Numerical Solution of the Atomic Kohn-Sham Equation - XATOM
Mr. Ruud van Deursen Universität Bern, Dept. für Chemie und Biochemie

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