Basler Geometrie Tage, 4-6 Juni 1998

Org.: N. A'Campo, D. Kotschick.

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    Thursday, June 4 1998

    14:30 - 15:30 R. E. Gompf (Austin): "A topological characterisation of symplectic manifolds"

    16:30 - 17:30 M. Min-Oo (McMaster): "K-Area and scalar curvature"

    Friday, June 5 1998

    9:30 - 10:30 P. Gauduchon (Palaiseau): "Compact bihermitian complex surfaces"

    11:00 - 12:00 L. Polterovich (Tel Aviv and Z\"urich): "Loops of symplectomorphisms: geometry, topology, dynamics"

    14:30 - 15:30 T. S. Mrowka (MIT): The title will be announced later

    16:30 - 17:30 M. Furuta (Kyoto and Bonn): "A homology cobordism invariant of Seifert fibered homology 3-spheres"

    Saturday, June 6 1998

    9:30 - 10:30 M. Boileau (Toulouse): "Geometrization of 3-orbifolds"

    11:00 - 12:00 E. Ghys (Lyon): "Singularities of holomorphic vector fields"

    All lectures will take place in the Grosser Hörsaal des Mathematischen Instituts.

    For further information please write to:

    Frau M.~Karatay, Mathematisches Institut, Rheinsprung 21, 4051 Basel, Switzerland, e-mail

    Geschäftssitzung der SMG

    Samstag, den 6 Juni 1998 um 12:15 Uhr im selben Hörsaal.


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