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Colloque Numérique Suisse / Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium

April 25, 2008

Université de Fribourg, Campus Pérolles



Presentations online



Poster template

Practical information

Historical overview



In order to promote sharing ideas in our community, we have created a browsable online repository for the Colloquium 2008 posters, presentations, or related preprints. We invite authors to deposit their contributions. Please follow the link "Presentations online" on the left.

A few photos have been taken during the Colloquium. Please, follow the link "Photos" on the left.

Thank you for your interest for this year's Colloque.
Let us see next year, in spring 2009, in Basel! The Colloquium will be then organized by Prof. Marcus Grote at the Mathematics Departement of the University of Basel.

Profs. Ralf Hiptmair and Christoph Schwab (SAM, ETHZ) have kindly agreed to organize the Colloquium in 2010 at the ETH Zürich.

For the Colloquium program and Book of Abstracts, please follow the link "Program" on the left. A list of registered participants and their presentations is available on the page Participants.

Colloquium description

This informal meeting renews the tradition of the "Journées Suisses d'Analyse Numérique" and aims at bringing together people active in the fields of

  • scientific computing
  • numerical analysis
  • high-performance computing
  • visualization
  • numerical simulation in engineering
  • computational chemistry, biology, etc.

both from the academic and industrial sectors in Switzerland, for short oral presentations and poster sessions. There are no colloquium fees, but participants are invited to register in advance (see "Important dates" on the left).

We are honoured that
Prof. Wolfgang Hackbusch (Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig) and
Prof. Denis Talay (INRIA Sophia Antipolis / Ecole Polytechnique de Paris)
have accepted the invitation to be the special guests of the Colloquium.

This year's colloquium is hosted by

Prof. Jean-Paul Berrut
Departement of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
University of Fribourg

Past venues

You can browse the web-sites and repositories of the last venues of the Colloquium organized at the University of Geneva (2007), EPFL Lausanne (2006) and the University of Zurich (2005).

A nice historical overview of the past Colloquium venues was proposed in 2006 by Prof. Joerg Waldvogel (SAM, ETHZ) and updated by the 2007 colloquium organizers.


SMS We would like to thank the Swiss Mathematical Society for the suppoort.